Monday, July 9, 2007

Our winner's from last month's community contest won a great prize from! Here is some information on the cool pink camo ID bracelet they won!!

The great thing about this bracelet is that it can be used for medical alert and it can be used to keep info needed incase of getting lost or what we don't want to think about - hurt.

Even tweens need to know many numbers and information incase something happens. On vacation - hotels can look the same. What if your 12 year old is on an outing with another family - does she know all their cell #s?

The bracelet fits wrist sizes: 3.5"- 6.75" It is great for kids ages 10-15. They will love the camo look. Even when kids are old enough to know phone #s - when they are in a panic will they be able to remember the phone # they need right then? I know I depend on my cell phone to have the numbers I need - your youth needs this identification bracelet as a back-up. Also great when you child is out with others -they have all the info they need - you don't have to keep writing things down for the other parents!

Go check out their website for more information or to order!

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